Boss Level

Written by: Nick Thomas


Director: Joe Carnahan (A-team, Smoking Aces, and producer of the Grey)

Staring: Frank Grillo( Captain America: Civil War, and Point Blank), Naomi Watts ( The Ring, and King Kong), Mel Gibson (Lethal Weapon, Braveheart) and Will Sasso (Three Stooges, MadTv)


Synopsis: Trapped in a time loop that constantly repeats the day of his murder, former special forces soldier Roy Pulver (Frank Grillo) must relive the same day over and over and over again.

Review: Time loop shenanigans are always a fan favorite with movies like Groundhogs Day, The Day after Tomorrow, and Happy Death Day, Boss level takes the same beloved trope and throws a unique bloody and hilarious twist to it. 

       Joe Carnahan borrows from some of the classics in this sub genre like Groundhogs Day and runs with it, with a healthy dose of action, blood, gore and perfectly timed cheesy one liners like his other hit, Smoking Aces, this movie waltzed onto the screen with enough charm and bravado to keep anyone entertained from the very first frame. I thought seeing this same old time loop story would feel stale and over told, but it was different enough, that it had me hooked begging for more.


     Frank Grillo shows that his talents are woefully wasted by Hollywood as a two bit villain or side character as he grabs this movie by the balls and ekes out every ounce of action and excitement a movie in this vein should have. He delivers a heart pounding thrill ride of adventure, laced with action, adrenaline, guns and violence in a fun fest shoot em up with enough explosions and to make even Micheal Bay excited.


       Even though this movie is filled with a crazy amount of action and shenanigans it takes time to roll up its sleeves and show a little bit of heart, in showing just how far a man would go to protect the ones he loves. In these moments this movie takes time to… slow down and take in the scenery, to get close and personal it has a sense of charm and really embraces the reasons worth fighting for and gives you so many more reasons to cheer for the heroes bloody path of revenge. 

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           This movie has everything; action, humor , romance, blood, gore, excitement, thrilling car chases, tear jerking heartfelt moments, explosions, so many explosions and parts that make you cringe and groan all wrapped up in an hour and forty minutes that just never let's up. 

          I give this movie a solid 10 out of 10 and say this is definitely a movie to watch. I can't wait to see more from Frank Grillo and hope the trend of badass movies keeps going for 2021. Thanks nerds for reading my spoiler free review of Boss Level, get out there and watch it, and like always I will see you on the Other side.



Boss Level Action…!