
Episode 103: Justice League Snyder Cut Full Spoiler Review

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Welcome to Nerdentials! Your weekly dose of the nerdy essentials. Covering Film, TV, Video Games and Comics. This week we Joe and Nick are joined by Ryan, Paul and newcomer Tyler to discuss, breakdown and fully review, with complete spoilers, Justice League Zack Snyder Cut on HBO Max.

Episode 37: The Rise and Fall of Sega...and Sony Handhelds Were Good? | Nerdentials Podcast

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Welcome to Nerdentials! Your weekly dose of the nerdy essentials. Covering Film, TV, Video Games and Comics. This week we bring you the first of many mini-sodes, where sometimes a tangent from a previous recording ended up being a full topic! 

This time we discuss The rise and fall of Sega as a hardware company and then reminisce on whether Sony handhelds were good or not.